MedievaLands Forums

A Bug and a Confession

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I discovered this bug some time ago, but I must confess it's been quite useful in some dungeons... but I come here to tell the truth and all the truth. Maybe you already know about it...

There are some places where map doesn't work, because there's no light, os theres mist, or whatever. There, the arrow doesn't show either.

BUT. When you teleport back to a dungeon, before moving, you see the arrow, and if you turn around without moving, you map the walls also. And the floor of the square you are in.

So yes, I have been doing some step-teleport-step-teleport to map all the areas xD you can blame my completion OCD.


Hail Kendo!

Thank you so much for your honesty and integrity in bringing this to light! It's heartening to see players who value the spirit of fair play.

As for the bug you've mentioned - wow, that's an INGENIOUS way to map out the dark and misty areas! I can see how an adventurer might yearn to unearth every nook and cranny within the dungeons.

I must confess, I wasn't aware of this particular quirk in the remake. In the original game, the map scripts would make some map tiles unmappable. Obviously I failed to maintain that state between teleports!

I'll add this as a bug to the GitHub. Please continue to enjoy it while it lasts.

In the meantime, if you (or any other brave adventurer!) discovered anything else of note, please continue to share. Your feedback is the elixer that helps MedievaLands flourish.

May your sword stay sharp and your map unfurl with endless discoveries.

Take care down there!

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