MedievaLands Forums

Displayed stats don't update until you teleport out and go back in

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I've noticed that when I hit any stat boosting fountains that my stats are not immediately updated in my character window in the game, but when I teleport out and go back in to either the top or lower DE they are upated.


Ha! A fascinating find. The key difference between the original TSN game and the MedievaLands remake is that ML runs entirely on the server. Which means that when your stats change, this needs to be communicated to the client. Which means that the server needs to know that an update should be triggered. Rather than adding boilerplate code to every character statistic that would be constantly listening for any changes, I only send stat updates when they are triggered. Obviously I need to add a trigger to the map scripts that modify attributes. I'll add that as an issue to be completed.

It has been a long time since I've been down in the guts of the update code, but I think you should be able to trigger an update by casting a spell or using a potion.


Good to know there is a workaround.

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