MedievaLands Forums

Patch notes for April 8, 2020

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Hail Friends! Here is a list of what I've been working on in the past week: bugs fixed, other changes to the game engine, and a small change to allow the new elemental items to be sold in the keep. Much of my work this week was in preparation for new features which I'll hopefully be adding to the game soon: new items, achievements in Twinion, and a new higher definition dungeon exploration screen.

Changes in game functionality:

* Elemental items are now sellable in the keep.

* Twinion mana restores and amphoras now increase your mana by the correct (larger) amount.

Changes to the game engine:

* I rewrote the dungeon POV renderer. The new renderer should look exactly like the old renderer, but will allow me to create high definition dungeon exploration screen. I've always felt that the original game's text box and inventory windows were too cluttered, and I admit that my version, with item tool tips and occasionally chattier status messages, exacerbates these issues. Soon I'll be able to let these things spread out and get comfortable!

* I rewrote the server's item initialization methods. In the old version, each item had its own copy of every relevant attribute (strength modifiers, etc). In the new version, these variables are inherent to the item's type. I made this change to make it easier to add new items - hopefully you'll be seeing more of these in the next week or so.

* I took the first step towards adding deeds in Twinion (specifically, the server now shares the list of Twinion dungeon flags with the client).

* I rewrote the game's texture class to allow for texture atlases, which are groups of textures that share a single image. This will reduce memory use and speed up rendering.

Bug fixes:

* Changed the way that possessive verbs are conjugated in combat.

* Fixed a bug where the client's chat box would stop sending messages.

* Fixed a bug where clicking the 'logout' button in the dungeon would disconnect without first sending the server your most up to date automap data.

* Fixed a bug where a player could set their epithet to garbled text.

* Fixed a client crash that happened if a solo player died while fighting a large group of monsters.

* Fixed a bug where a rendered text list (e.g. the dungeon chat window) could throw an exception when it was updated while drawing.

* Fixed a bug where a trade would cause the traded item to disappear into the ether.

* Fixed a bug where a loot item could not be added to a player's inventory and failed silently.

* Fixed a bug where party members would be poisoned up to four times on each step in the dungeon.

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