MedievaLands Forums

Ruins of Cawdor

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Well, Zane, I didn't see the question here in the boards and someone had to throw it in.

Will we see it or not.

There's space in the Games Menu for at least one more game &)



Cawdor will eventually make it to this service. But this will require significant rework of the server and client. Adding twinion required a few hundred hours of programming and design time; I imagine that adding Cawdor will require a similar amount of effort.

But I very much want to see Cawdor running here, so I expect it will happen. Eventually.


I know a few of us who would, almost certainly, speedrun it. Cawdor is short enough and not nearly as tedious as Twinion, which I am loathe to ever figure out how to speedrun. I'll stay content with a Aqueus% and a Queen%, which is actually a pretty cool run.

Once you get the Night Elves, no. No, no, no. No to the Race Track. No to the Rat Race. No to Tipekans. No to the Dralkans.

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