MedievaLands Forums

Version 1.2.1 and Emoticons!

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Greetings, valiant wanderers of MedievaLands! I come bearing tidings of version 1.2.1. Without further ado, let us draw back the curtain and reveal the treasures that lie within this update!

In the golden era of 1993, before emojis donned their modern charm, we had emoticons! Now this game supports many more ways to express yourself with these little sparkles of joy. As you journey through the dungeons, you can summon these ancient runes by holding the 'Ctrl' key and pressing the number and ampersand keys.

Let me share some other gems in this update, which have been polished with the aid of fellow adventurers:

* Your character sheet will now immediately reflect stat updates gained from fountains. My thanks to Stormborg and ValkornWiz for bearing the torch that illuminated this issue.

* You now have the ability to save your password. Sir Tawmis, thank you for suggesting this addition.

* Hover your mouse over the stats on your character sheet to reveal their secrets. A bow of respect to Trent for suggesting this improvement.

* Lastly, with the swing of my developer's hammer, the Achievements Window, broken in the last update, has been restored to its full glory.

In conclusion, my friends, let us raise our goblets to the fellowship we share in this game. Your feedback is the sharpening stone that hones the blade of this game.

Take care down there!


Edited Jun 19, 2023


v1.2.1.9 adds new admin features to safely shut down the server.

v1.2.1.11 adds the /played command to see how much time you've spent playing MedeivaLands. Kara Valencia reminds us that the originial game cost 57 cents an hour.


thank ya very much

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