MedievaLands Forums

changes from old Yserbius

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I noticed a change in the spell shield. Before you used to cast it and pray you survived the first round of attack such as in the first battle with the bearbugs in the treasury, now if your initiative is high enough you will cast it first and if you survive the first round you can cast poison cloud and kill them all by casting pc on all of them. Recharge mana and recast shield so as not to lose protection. I notice that with the shield cast you avoid a lot of hits that usually killed the character in the first round of battle.


bearbug...I meant bugbear



This is one of the changes from the original game. In the original game, as you pointed out, damage occured instantly but positive effects only applied at the end of a combat turn. Interestingly, negative effects, like being paralyzed, were, like damage, instant. It made sense to me that if negative things occured instantly, then positive things should also occur isntantly!

This does make things easier... but there's always the InnBarn version if you want a completely true to the original experience.

Good luck down there!


Thank you again for bringing Yserbius back. I know it is a thankless job. But you have done a great job. It makes a lot of sense that if you cast a protection spell it should take effect immediately, Thank you again for putting this up.

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