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I started playing this game in the days of TSN, the box version of Yserbius and Twinion and I can see that there are some differences between this game and those. First off I see no soveriegn scrolls you can buy. I also see that the items will tell how many charges you have on the Hollow Nunchuck. Unfortunatly they don't recharge if you leave the volcanoe and return. However you can get more just leave them in the vault in the guild Hall. Another thing is there appears to be a lot more magic weapons.

Edited Jan 25, 2024


It's not a 1-to-1 recreation, as you've noticed.

The big differences are:

- I use the original game's combat system, but I have buffed low level characters so you don't get one-shotted in the mines.

- Brand new items, magical items, and unique items.

- The castle parapet and lava key areas were rewritten to add ways for a single player to cross over.

And it's higher resolution and runs so much faster than the old games!

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